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Dude, I got a Dell.

Today was great. AP Bio test went well, Frankenstein is cool, we had a sub in Economics, and we had Symphonic Winds in band...overall, easy academic day. No sweat, no challenges...unlike most days. Haha...and it got even better later. After school, Kyle and I went to La Cabana (yum) and then we went to his house and took a nice, long nap. Ah. Always nice. Then we went to my house, set up cool new computer, accompanied Mom to Wal-Mart and Domino's, came home...it was just a good, simple day.

I'm so glad we don't have to go to Amite for the game tomorrow. I really don't like band anymore...I used to love it, but this year is just different for me. It's like Mrs. Presley doesn't even know I'm there. After three years spent of working hard to be a good guard member and captain, I get...nothing. No responsibility, no recognition. Oh, well. I'm still trying to make the best of things. But it's very, very hard sometimes.

And add that to the distress of having almost no friends. Maybe my definition of "friend" is just different from others'. To me, a "friend" is someone who wants to be around you...is interested in what you have to say...wants to be there for you...wants to KNOW you. Sometimes I just think I'm the kind of person people don't really care to get to know. Maybe it's just a phase I'm going through. I've noticed that sometimes this "phase" makes me extremely antisocial. I just feel like such a...loser sometimes. I hope it's just distorted perception.

But to my real friends...thanks so much for putting up with me when I'm like this. I know you get tired of it. But you listen to me anyway, and that's what makes you a real friend.

And for everything...I'll never stop thanking God. After church last night, I just felt so enlightened. I've made so many mistakes in my life, gone through so many things...and God still loves me, and everyone else in the world. That's just amazing to me. In this world, it's so easy to fall out of religion and out of a relationship with God...I see it happen to people all the time, including me. Sometimes I get discouraged. I see other people not wanting to worship or be excited about the Lord, and I, being sometimes much too empathetic, start to wonder, "Well, if they don't think it's important, why should I?" But I just can't do it. No matter how stupid people think I am for being religious...or how hypocritical people think I am for not being perfect, even though I'm a Christian...I can't turn away from God. I just can't. Life wouldn't be worth it without Him.

In other news...I'm so excited about this year. I just am. I still like working at Spencer's. I'm in the best relationship I've ever been in. :) But I really need to go read Frankenstein. Farewell.


glitteraloft at 10:23 p.m.

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