
Hamburgers, clues, and pink roses.

Today was delicious.
Church was great. I got a lot out of it. Even though I forgot my Bible on Easter Sunday. That was a lot of capitalized words in one sentence.
ALSO, mine and Kyle's one-year was today! I finally got my scavenger hunt! I ruined it last year by leaving my car lights on, so I didn't have a vehicle to actually search for anything. =( But now it's all better! I had to go lots of scary places to get my clues. Oh, well...I eventually arrived at my destination to find wonderful-ness. *happy sigh* I love you, Kyle.
I've developed a purse addiction. I like them expensive. Too bad I don't have an "expensive" spending range.
I also wrote a research paper for AP Bio in attempt of disproving the Atkin's diet. Down with you, bread-bashers.
Today was lovely. Yes, indeed. I rented the OC First Season. Time to watch.
Don't forget: the senior auction is Tuesday. Bring money for me/cheer for me/laugh at my witty emcee banter/bid on me. Remember that. Thanks.

glitteraloft at 12:04 a.m.

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