

Ah. It's good to be home. Man, I sure have been through a lot since I last wrote! Prom, AP exams, Disney World...it was all good, though.
Prom was pretty cool. Kyle and I were totally the cutest couple at prom, even though we didn't get king and queen! Haha...two people that weren't even a couple got it, so whatever. But ANYWAY, I wore my pretty dress with my light-up shoes and he wore a yellow jacket with black pants and a black shirt and a yellow tie. I felt really pretty that night. I just wish that prom was all it was cracked up to be. Like on TV. All they played the whole night was sucky rap. They only played about two slow songs in the 3&1/2 hours we were there. And hey, I like GOOD rap. But they played sucky rap. But I ate lots of cake and sat on Kyle's lap most of the night, so I was fine :)
Disney World was great. I love Disney. I hate bus rides, though. But the rest was good. I mostly had fun, but I kinda ruined things for myself sometimes. I tend to do that now when I get around a big group of people...I always make myself depressed. I can't help it. I guess it's just a phase I'm going through. I can't talk to people anymore. I always think no one wants to talk to me. I hate that. I absolutely hate it. I hate what it does to me and I hate what it does to the people close to me, especially Kyle.
But I'll be ok. Soon I'll be somewhere else...and maybe I won't feel like that anymore. I hurt so much because I live in the past memories of comforting friendships. I rationalize in a very weird way now. I see people with close friends, and I don't talk to them because they already have friends. I see people who are younger than me, but I don't talk to them or try and get close to them because I'm leaving soon. I'm so stupid sometimes.
I'm so glad school is almost over. I have lots of plans for summer...yay!

glitteraloft at 10:32 p.m.

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