
"After six years, the girl can finally tongue (thanks to Sym. Winds!)"...yeah. :)

I love rain. I hate walking through floods. And some little freshman made me really mad today. He bumped into me and got smart with me, but I turned around and yelled at him. Actually, I felt proud of myself. I don't stand up for myself much.
Anyway. Scholarship competition at MUW this weekend. I pray that I do well, even though the counselors waited until after the deadline to send in my recommendation letter. Yeah, counselors...don't worry about it. I'm not trying to get free college or anything. Yeah...right.
MSU or MUW? Both good. Confusion. Want to go to college for reasonable price. Want to be with the loves of my life: Kyle, Katie, Melody. What to do?
Ok, I need to be nicer. I have been trying to renew my relationship with God lately. I've been doing a devotion every night and I try to keep God in all my thoughts. And I joined Bible Drills at church...I'm nervous about that. But it is a good way to learn Scripture and apply it to my life. Tomorrow will be a Wednesday night at church without Kyle. *sad* But church is about God, and I'm going to focus on Him. Then again, I always do!
I also decided that I need to see my family more often and not take them for granted. It's kind of sad that Debbie Harbin's death brought that on. I didn't even know her, but I came home the day that I heard about what she did and I just cried and cried. I know that some people I am close to will have to leave Earth one day, but I realized that I don't want any of them to go without their knowing how much I love them.
Something happened the other day that made me really proud: I was elected President of the National Honor Society at school. And no, it's not the title that I love...it's that my dad was President of the National Honor Society when he was in high school. How cool is that? I hope he's proud of me. I feel somewhat more connected to him now, even though I haven't told him yet. I know my dad loves me, but he just pushes me so much sometimes that I think he's not proud of me. Now I feel like I followed him in a way. Like I said, I hope he's proud of me.
God has blessed me with so many things: a family, wonderful friends, the love of my life, a chance to participate in a lot of good things...thank you, Lord. Sometimes I could cry when I think of how wonderful You are. But that's a good thing...haha.
But I need to go now...I could be memorizing an extra-credit speech, going over my witness statements, or working on my essay...geez. I thought senior year was supposed to be easy! Haha.
(Thanks for being there, Kyle. I love you.)

glitteraloft at 10:46 p.m.

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