

Bush wins again! I'm so happy. He has made some mistakes, but so has every President *cough*Clinton, who didn't listen to the hints of the 9/11 attacks and didn't take further measures to protect our country*cough*. Bush is a good man. And if he called the troops back, Iraqi terrorist aggression would probably grow even more and we'd have a much bigger chance of being attacked. I feel safe with him as my President. Besides...everyone who signs up to be in the Marines, National Guard, Navy, etc...they knew they may have possibly had to fight. That's what they get paid for. That's why we HAVE forces. But at least Kerry is a nice guy. I don't agree with his beliefs, but his concession speech was very gracious and non-critical. That really impressed me.
But enough with my political beliefs. My two best friends (Katie and Melody) supported Nader, but I still love them so much =) All three of us feel differently about something, but when you're meant to be friends, you just are! We can't help it that we're awesome. Hahaha!
Tomorrow is the senior slide show. I hope there are a lot of pictures of me and my friends in there...I want it to be spread out throughout all the people in our class. But I have a feeling that might not happen...
Kyle and I are going cosmic bowling Saturday for the first time in at least a month...yes! We LOVE bowling. We don't even have to compete with each other; we compete with ourselves! Haha...and the bowling alley has great chicken poppers. And I'll get to be with Kyle. I love him =)
When I become a psychiatrist, I want to perform studies on people. I want to make a discovery of some sort. I've always been interested in research and development of various things in psychology, like new medicines for people in extreme mental anguish. I wonder where I'm going to apply to medical school?
Murray Beck and I are going to eat at O'Charley's sometime in the near future! I'm excited. I love free, buttery rolls and I love Murray!
I'm so weird...I think my deeper side and my not-so-deep side alternate in, like, three-minute intervals. One minute, I'm like "Political views, propoganda, Republican beliefs!" Then..."I love my best friends, they're so cool *smiley face*!" Then..."OMG, my boyfriend is so great and I love junk food and we're going BOWLING!" And then..."I want to make a profound medical discovery." Immediately afterwards..."I'm hungry and I want to talk to Mary!" Hhhmm...haha.
I think I've distributed enough nonsense for now =) Besides...there's a weird shadow in the hallway...oh, my gosh...it's coming towards me...it's...

glitteraloft at 10:15 p.m.

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