
Rainbow Bright

Hershey's Caramel Kisses. They're so good. I shudder to think.
Here are some interesting things I saw on Medical Incredible (Discovery Health Channel) AND all of these people actually lived:
A woman had an allergic reaction to an antibiotic that skinned her alive
Babies carrying their twins in their abdoments
A boy was hit by a car and internally decapitated
Other strange things were people with rubber joint syndrome, a woman who woke up one day and all of a sudden spoke in another accent, the inspiration for the movie Rainman, and people with overgrowth syndrome. Watching those shows made me really happy to be normal and healthy...and...alive!
I'm going to own lots of businesses.
Life is so complex. I don't mean "confusing"...just diverse. I don't know what exactly I'm trying to say. Just the vast enormity (is that a word?) of it all. Every song you've ever listened to...every smell...every color...every emotion. Man. It's a lot when you think about it.
I hope to get cool things for graduation. A blue mini IPod, a Louis Vuitton Speedy 25, a body kit/paint job for my car, a laptop, and a pretty, sparkly ring sounds good to me. But in my case, this is an example of a true "wish" list. Haha.
I am faxing my apartment lease to Starkville tomorrow. I've already sent it my application, paid money, and been accepted. We can't move in until July 1, but it's so weird: tomorrow I will have my own residence. Whoa.
Anyway. School was normal. It was fine. I miss Kyle. I ordered my prom dress. Isn't it pretty? :)
Pretty Dress
Yep. After prom I'm going to start selling all of my dresses and giving my mom back some of the money she has spent on them over the years...so remember that!
It's hot in my house.

glitteraloft at 10:42 p.m.

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