
French Onion Sun Chips. I want them.

Starkville this weekend! Friday: sit in on classes w/ Katie and venture to Olive Garden. Saturday: look at potential house. Sunday: go to MSU basketball game. This college thing is absolutely thrilling me!
The new youth room at church is GREAT. It's so big and it's full of posters and road signs and couches and a TV/PlayStation2. I know I won't get to be in there for very long, but I'm happy that everyone from now on gets to have it.
We are reading Candide in Mrs. Lev's room, and it is lovely. I like this Voltaire guy.
I am in the play. Go me.
Sorry. I am too happy and boring to regularly update. I waste your time, and for this, I am sorry. Haha.

glitteraloft at 10:54 p.m.

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