
Robbie no feel like title.

I hope I make Lion's Band. Or at least callbacks. Let's just hope that I am among the top 28 flags in Mississippi. Slim chance, but I may get lucky. I want to go to Hong Kong/Hawaii. One of my life goals is to visit a foreign country, and that would be SO awesome!
Mock Trial is taking up a large amount of my time. It's pretty enjoyable, but I'm ready for it to be over with. Oh, well. At least it's only for another month.
Kyle and I went to the Methodist Church last night to see Phillip, Drew, and Will perform a worship service. It was really good. The atmosphere was just so reverent and focused on Christ, and it was amazing. I loved it. Phillip's lesson was that you can't serve God and the world at the same time. That really made me think, because I know that I try to do that a lot.
I want to play a video game. Good night.
I love you, Kyle!

glitteraloft at 10:48 p.m.

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