
It's a marvelous night for a moon dance.

So I tried out for Lion's Band. No call-backs. I did the best I had EVER done at tryouts yesterday. Although people told me that there was one guard judge who hated Grenada people and gave them really low numbers, I still don't know if that was really the reason I didn't make call-backs. Yes, I was sad. Another disappointment/failure.
Kyle and I had fun last night, though! We went and bought cake and ice cream (I admit, sometimes I eat my feelings! LoL) and then we went Cosmic Bowling by ourselves! Well, in case any of you didn't know, Cosmic Bowling is where you pay to bowl as many games as you want from 10 to 1 (among blacklights and music, etc.) Well, me and Kyle only made it until about 11:30! We were on our seventh game when we just about fell over from exhaustion. It was great!
That's all I feel like saying. I don't want to start complaining about Lion's Band again. Also, I had a bad dream last night. Sadness.
Kyle- I'm so proud of you! I love you :)

glitteraloft at 1:30 p.m.

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