
Fa la la la la.

It's officially Christmas Eve! I've spent all day preparing for it, too...I had to help Mom clean the house AND I made three batches of sausage balls and a cake.
The poor cake...I wanted to ice it green with red writing and trim. I mixed up the green food coloring in the icing and it turned a color that Kyle so eloquently said resembled mucus. Hahaha...but anyway. Then I made the little puffy red trim and it was cute, but then I started to write "Merry Christmas" on it. Writing with icing=not fun.
I gave Kyle some of his Christmas presents today. He seemed to really like them :) This is the first time I've ever had a boyfriend on Christmas, so I was a little nervous about what to get!
Well, I got my scholarship letter from MUW back. They only offered me $3500 a year. It might sound like a lot, but it's really only a half-paid scholarship. I really would rather go to EMCC or MSU anyway. I want to be in Starkville. I just like it better there...
Well, I'm about to go, but...try and find some time to read the Christmas story in the Bible today or tomorrow. I just realized when I was reading EC the other day that I never stopped, even for just a few minutes, during Christmas to concentrate on why we're here and why we're celebrating Christmas. Ok, bye!
Thank you for coming to see me...wonderful, as always! I love you!

glitteraloft at 12:05 a.m.

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